Sabaoth Care Ltd

Welcome to Sabaoth Supported Living Services.

Our supported living services redefine the landscape of independent living with tailored support and unwavering commitment. We have comprehensive services that shape a unique and empowering living experience for individuals seeking a harmonious blend of independence and professional care.


Why choose our supported living services?

We have distinctive features that position our services at the forefront of supported living solutions.

From meticulously crafted care plans to an attentive support team, we delve into the elements that distinguish our approach, fostering an environment where autonomy and fulfilment thrive.


Our Approach to Individualised Support

At the heart of our philosophy lies our dedication to individualised support. We customise our services to cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of each resident. Our supportive environment celebrates personal growth and autonomy as integral aspects of daily life.

Care Team and Professional Support

We have dedicated professionals at the core of our care team. Our support workers have a deeper understanding of their training, expertise, and unwavering commitment to providing compassionate and personalised support, ensuring the well-being of our residents remains paramount.

Our Living Spaces

Our residences transcend mere living spaces; they are carefully designed sanctuaries prioritising safety, comfort, and accessibility. We are thoughtful about our living spaces and how they contribute to the overall well-being of our residents, creating a genuine sense of home.

Community Integration and Activities

We have a holistic, community-centric approach that extends beyond the physical boundaries of our residences. We provide an array of activities and initiatives designed to foster socialisation, community integration, and an enriching lifestyle for our residents.

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